Targets of Raf in tumorigenesis.
Niault Théodora S, Baccarini Manuela
Loss of LAP2 alpha delays satellite cell differentiation and affects postnatal fiber-type determination.
Gotic Ivana, Schmidt Wolfgang M, Biadasiewicz Katarzyna, Leschnik Michael, Spilka Rita, Braun Juliane, Stewart Colin L, Foisner Roland
Measurement of signs of chemical shift differences between ground and excited protein states: a comparison between H(S/M)QC and R1rho methods.
Auer Renate, Hansen D Flemming, Neudecker Philipp, Korzhnev Dmitry M, Muhandiram D Ranjith, Konrat Robert, Kay Lewis E
The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 is a crucial target for histone deacetylase 1 as a regulator of cellular proliferation.
Zupkovitz Gordin, Grausenburger Reinhard, Brunmeir Reinhard, Senese Silvia, Tischler Julia, Jurkin Jennifer, Rembold Martina, Meunier Dominique, Egger Gerda, Lagger Sabine, Chiocca Susanna, Propst Fritz, Weitzer Georg, Seiser Christian
Translational activation of rpoS mRNA by the non-coding RNA DsrA and Hfq does not require ribosome binding.
Vecerek Branislav, Beich-Frandsen Mads, Resch Armin, Bläsi Udo
Differential functions of ApoER2 and very low density lipoprotein receptor in Reelin signaling depend on differential sorting of the receptors.
Duit Sarah, Mayer Harald, Blake Sophia M, Schneider Wolfgang J, Nimpf Johannes
Lamina-associated polypeptide 2alpha loss impairs heart function and stress response in mice.
Gotic Ivana, Leschnik Michael, Kolm Ursula, Markovic Mato, Haubner Bernhard J, Biadasiewicz Katarzyna, Metzler Bernhard, Stewart Colin L, Foisner Roland
Autophagy supports Candida glabrata survival during phagocytosis.
Roetzer Andreas, Gratz Nina, Kovarik Pavel, Schüller Christoph
Probing RNA structure within living cells.
Liebeg Andreas, Waldsich Christina
Taxon Selection under Split Diversity.
Minh Bui Quang, Klaere Steffen, von Haeseler Arndt
Conformational averaging in structural biology: issues, challenges and computational solutions.
Kruschel Daniela, Zagrovic Bojan
Chip electrophoretic characterization of liposomes with biological lipid composition: Coming closer to a model for viral infection.
Bilek Gerhard, Weiss Victor U, Pickl-Herk Angela, Blaas Dieter, Kenndler Ernst
From autoinhibition to inhibition in trans: the Raf-1 regulatory domain inhibits Rok-alpha kinase activity.
Niault Théodora, Sobczak Izabela, Meissl Katrin, Weitsman Gregory, Piazzolla Daniela, Maurer Gabriele, Kern Florian, Ehrenreiter Karin, Hamerl Matthias, Moarefi Ismail, Leung Thomas, Carugo Oliviero, Ng Tony, Baccarini Manuela
Meiotic chromosome homology search involves modifications of the nuclear envelope protein Matefin/SUN-1.
Penkner Alexandra M, Fridkin Alexandra, Gloggnitzer Jiradet, Baudrimont Antoine, Machacek Thomas, Woglar Alexander, Csaszar Edina, Pasierbek Pawel, Ammerer Gustav, Gruenbaum Yosef, Jantsch Verena
Conformational selection and induced fit mechanism underlie specificity in noncovalent interactions with ubiquitin.
Wlodarski Tomasz, Zagrovic Bojan
Transketolase from Cyanophora paradoxa: in vitro import into cyanelles and pea chloroplasts and a complex history of a gene often, but not always, transferred in the context of secondary endosymbiosis.
Ma Yan, Jakowitsch Johannes, Deusch Oliver, Henze Katrin, Martin William, Löffelhardt Wolfgang
Translation initiation complex formation in the crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus.
Hasenöhrl David, Fabbretti Attilio, Londei Paola, Gualerzi Claudio O, Bläsi Udo
5-Fluoro pyrimidines: labels to probe DNA and RNA secondary structures by 1D 19F NMR spectroscopy.
Puffer Barbara, Kreutz Christoph, Rieder Ulrike, Ebert Marc-Olivier, Konrat Robert, Micura Ronald
VIP1 response elements mediate mitogen-activated protein kinase 3-induced stress gene expression.
Pitzschke Andrea, Djamei Armin, Teige Markus, Hirt Heribert
The genetic basis of phenotypic adaptation II: the distribution of adaptive substitutions in the moving optimum model.
Kopp Michael, Hermisson Joachim