Functional repeat-derived RNAs often originate from retrotransposon-propagated ncRNAs.
Matylla-Kulinska Katarzyna, Tafer Hakim, Weiss Adam, Schroeder Renée
Capillary force seeding of hydrogels for adipose-derived stem cell delivery in wounds.
Garg Ravi K, Rennert Robert C, Duscher Dominik, Sorkin Michael, Kosaraju Revanth, Auerbach Lauren J, Lennon James, Chung Michael T, Paik Kevin, Nimpf Johannes, Rajadas Jayakumar, Longaker Michael T, Gurtner Geoffrey C
Assembly mechanism of Trypanosoma brucei BILBO1, a multidomain cytoskeletal protein.
Vidilaseris Keni, Shimanovskaya Ekaterina, Esson Heather J, Morriswood Brooke, Dong Gang
A cell cycle-regulated Slx4-Dpb11 complex promotes the resolution of DNA repair intermediates linked to stalled replication.
Gritenaite Dalia, Princz Lissa N, Szakal Barnabas, Bantele Susanne C S, Wendeler Lina, Schilbach Sandra, Habermann Bianca H, Matos Joao, Lisby Michael, Branzei Dana, Pfander Boris
STAT1 plays a role in TLR signal transduction and inflammatory responses.
Luu Kevin, Greenhill Claire J, Majoros Andrea, Decker Thomas, Jenkins Brendan J, Mansell Ashley
IgGs are made for walking on bacterial and viral surfaces.
Preiner Johannes, Kodera Noriyuki, Tang Jilin, Ebner Andreas, Brameshuber Mario, Blaas Dieter, Gelbmann Nicola, Gruber Hermann J, Ando Toshio, Hinterdorfer Peter
The innate immune response elicited by Group A Streptococcus is highly variable among clinical isolates and correlates with the emm type.
Dinis Márcia, Plainvert Céline, Kovarik Pavel, Longo Magalie, Fouet Agnès, Poyart Claire
Suitable transfection methods for single particle tracing in plant suspension cells.
Göhring Janett, Fulcher Nick, Schilcher Kurt, Barta Andrea, Jacak Jaroslaw
Structure of the C. elegans ZYG-1 cryptic polo box suggests a conserved mechanism for centriolar docking of Plk4 kinases.
Shimanovskaya Ekaterina, Viscardi Valeria, Lesigang Johannes, Lettman Molly M, Qiao Renping, Svergun Dmitri I, Round Adam, Oegema Karen, Dong Gang
Type I interferons have opposing effects during the emergence and recovery phases of colitis.
Rauch Isabella, Hainzl Eva, Rosebrock Felix, Heider Susanne, Schwab Clarissa, Berry David, Stoiber Dagmar, Wagner Michael, Schleper Christa, Loy Alexander, Urich Tim, Müller Mathias, Strobl Birgit, Kenner Lukas, Decker Thomas
Listeria monocytogenes induces IFNβ expression through an IFI16-, cGAS- and STING-dependent pathway.
Hansen Kathrine, Prabakaran Thaneas, Laustsen Anders, Jørgensen Sofie E, Rahbæk Stine H, Jensen Søren B, Nielsen Rikke, Leber Jess H, Decker Thomas, Horan Kristy A, Jakobsen Martin R, Paludan Søren R
Hrr25 kinase promotes selective autophagy by phosphorylating the cargo receptor Atg19.
Pfaffenwimmer Thaddaeus, Reiter Wolfgang, Brach Thorsten, Nogellova Veronika, Papinski Daniel, Schuschnig Martina, Abert Christine, Ammerer Gustav, Martens Sascha, Kraft Claudine
Development of giant bacteriophage ϕKZ is independent of the host transcription apparatus.
Ceyssens Pieter-Jan, Minakhin Leonid, Van den Bossche An, Yakunina Maria, Klimuk Evgeny, Blasdel Bob, De Smet Jeroen, Noben Jean-Paul, Bläsi Udo, Severinov Konstantin, Lavigne Rob
It's about time: rhythms as a new dimension of molecular marine research.
Raible Florian, Falciatore Angela
Regulation of Hfq by the RNA CrcZ in Pseudomonas aeruginosa carbon catabolite repression.
Sonnleitner Elisabeth, Bläsi Udo
"RAF" neighborhood: protein-protein interaction in the Raf/Mek/Erk pathway.
Cseh Botond, Doma Eszter, Baccarini Manuela
Impact of Hfq on the Bacillus subtilis transcriptome.
Hämmerle Hermann, Amman Fabian, Večerek Branislav, Stülke Jörg, Hofacker Ivo, Bläsi Udo
A nuclear ubiquitin-proteasome pathway targets the inner nuclear membrane protein Asi2 for degradation.
Boban Mirta, Pantazopoulou Marina, Schick Anna, Ljungdahl Per O, Foisner Roland
Revisiting the coding potential of the E. coli genome through Hfq co-immunoprecipitation.
Bilusic Ivana, Popitsch Niko, Rescheneder Philipp, Schroeder Renée, Lybecker Meghan
Bimolecular fluorescent complementation (BiFC) by MAP kinases and MAPK phosphatases.
Schweighofer Alois, Shubchynskyy Volodymyr, Kazanaviciute Vaiva, Djamei Armin, Meskiene Irute