Beyond Atg8 binding: The role of AIM/LIR motifs in autophagy.
Fracchiolla Dorotea, Sawa-Makarska Justyna, Martens Sascha
Severely impaired activity of lipoprotein lipase Arg243His is partially ameliorated by emulsifying phospholipids in in vitro triolein hydrolysis analysis.
Yamaguchi Takashi, Murano Takeyoshi, Tatsuno Ichiro, Hiruta Nobuyuki, Suzuki Toru, Sawada Shojiro, Katagiri Hideki, Shirai Kohji, Schneider Wolfgang J, Bujo Hideaki
Sec3 promotes the initial binary t-SNARE complex assembly and membrane fusion.
Yue Peng, Zhang Yubo, Mei Kunrong, Wang Shaoxiao, Lesigang Johannes, Zhu Yueyao, Dong Gang, Guo Wei
Dbf4-dependent kinase and the Rtt107 scaffold promote Mus81-Mms4 resolvase activation during mitosis.
Princz Lissa N, Wild Philipp, Bittmann Julia, Aguado F Javier, Blanco Miguel G, Matos Joao, Pfander Boris
Raf Kinases Are Essential for Phosphate Induction of ERK1/2 Phosphorylation in Hypertrophic Chondrocytes and Normal Endochondral Bone Development.
Papaioannou Garyfallia, Petit Elizabeth T, Liu Eva S, Baccarini Manuela, Pritchard Catrin, Demay Marie B
Protein phosphatase AP2C1 negatively regulates basal resistance and defense responses to Pseudomonas syringae.
Shubchynskyy Volodymyr, Boniecka Justyna, Schweighofer Alois, Simulis Justinas, Kvederaviciute Kotryna, Stumpe Michael, Mauch Felix, Balazadeh Salma, Mueller-Roeber Bernd, Boutrot Freddy, Zipfel Cyril, Meskiene Irute
Temperature-dependent sRNA transcriptome of the Lyme disease spirochete.
Popitsch Niko, Bilusic Ivana, Rescheneder Philipp, Schroeder Renée, Lybecker Meghan
Nuclear envelope localization of LEMD2 is developmentally dynamic and lamin A/C dependent yet insufficient for heterochromatin tethering.
Thanisch Katharina, Song Congdi, Engelkamp Dieter, Koch Jeannette, Wang Audrey, Hallberg Einar, Foisner Roland, Leonhardt Heinrich, Stewart Colin L, Joffe Boris, Solovei Irina
Erratum for Conzemius et al., ICAM-1 Binding Rhinoviruses A89 and B14 Uncoat in Different Endosomal Compartments.
Conzemius Rick, Ganjian Haleh, Blaas Dieter, Fuchs Renate
INO80 represses osmostress induced gene expression by resetting promoter proximal nucleosomes.
Klopf Eva, Schmidt Heiko A, Clauder-Münster Sandra, Steinmetz Lars M, Schüller Christoph
Calcium-dependent binding of Myc to calmodulin.
Raffeiner Philipp, Schraffl Andrea, Schwarz Thomas, Röck Ruth, Ledolter Karin, Hartl Markus, Konrat Robert, Stefan Eduard, Bister Klaus
Investigation of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins through Exchange with Hyperpolarized Water.
Kurzbach Dennis, Canet Estel, Flamm Andrea G, Jhajharia Aditya, Weber Emmanuelle M M, Konrat Robert, Bodenhausen Geoffrey
In vivo expression technology and 5' end mapping of the Borrelia burgdorferi transcriptome identify novel RNAs expressed during mammalian infection.
Adams Philip P, Flores Avile Carlos, Popitsch Niko, Bilusic Ivana, Schroeder Renée, Lybecker Meghan, Jewett Mollie W
The RNA ligase RtcB reverses MazF-induced ribosome heterogeneity in Escherichia coli.
Temmel Hannes, Müller Christian, Sauert Martina, Vesper Oliver, Reiss Ariela, Popow Johannes, Martinez Javier, Moll Isabella
Generation of Tissue-Specific Mouse Models to Analyze HDAC Functions.
Hagelkruys Astrid, Moser Mirjam A, Seiser Christian
Posttranscriptional regulation of cytokine expression.
Kovarik Pavel, Ebner Florian, Sedlyarov Vitaly
Type I Interferons in Bacterial Infections: A Balancing Act.
Kovarik Pavel, Castiglia Virginia, Ivin Masa, Ebner Florian
A cell-autonomous tumour suppressor role of RAF1 in hepatocarcinogenesis.
Jeric Ines, Maurer Gabriele, Cavallo Anna Lina, Raguz Josipa, Desideri Enrico, Tarkowski Bartosz, Parrini Matthias, Fischer Irmgard, Zatloukal Kurt, Baccarini Manuela
Cross-regulation by CrcZ RNA controls anoxic biofilm formation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Pusic Petra, Tata Muralidhar, Wolfinger Michael T, Sonnleitner Elisabeth, Häussler Susanne, Bläsi Udo
A Mechanism for Controlled Breakage of Under-replicated Chromosomes during Mitosis.
Duda Heike, Arter Meret, Gloggnitzer Jiradet, Teloni Federico, Wild Philipp, Blanco Miguel G, Altmeyer Matthias, Matos Joao