The facilities cannot be used without prior instructions. These are given by facility personnel, usually in combination with the instructions necessary for use of the VBCF-operated high end walk-in chambers. For registered users, an electronic booking system provides maximum flexibility.
Material such as pots, standard soil and soil additives (perlite, fertilizer) are provided and can be used in an individualized way in a dedicated area. Pest management and facility maintenance services are provided by Jolanta Ambroz-Kumorowski. We also provide introductory lectures on facility use.
The Greenhouses, located on the roof of the Max Perutz Labs Main Building, are intended for low cost plant growth, when temperature or humidity conditions have to correspond to pre-set values with only limited precision. Actual values are recorded, to allow documentation of growth conditions. One greenhouse is in use for normal plant growth. Another one is devoted to seed maturation of plants after the active growth phase, it can also serve for quarantine purposes if diseased plants from other growth facilities should not be destroyed, e.g. to obtain seeds.
Growth incubators (currently located in the 6th floor) allow a more precise control of humidity and temperature conditions, and are optimal for small scale experiments under non-standard conditions.
A plant tissue culture room in the 4th floor complements the facility, allowing growth of petri dishes and sterile in vitro cultures under standard conditions (22°C, 16 hr light).
Follow the Link to use the intranet online booking tool.
Please contact Anna Burger.
Max Perutz Labs Main Building
Dr. Bohr Gasse 9, 1030 Vienna
Level 8 - Room 8.318