
BioOptics - FACS

The facility offers access to state-of-the-art cell and large particle sorting technologies and analysis tools, while also providing dedicated support and adaptable configurations to assist researchers.

We are partner of the VLSI Programm (Vienna Life-Science Instruments). https://www.vlsi.at/

On this page



Flow cytometry is a powerful technology that employs fluorescence labelling of marker genes or cell-specific antigens for the identification of cells with particular phenotypes. This method also facilitates the sorting of cells based on defined fluorescence parameters at a rapid rate of thousands of events per second, supporting diverse downstream applications in fields such as immunology, developmental biology, chromosomal biology, and various other branches of biology. We currently house two high-throughput cell sorters, one user-friendly cell sorter, three analyzers, and a large particle sorter. Our equipment boasts cutting-edge features, including a spectral cell sorter with the capacity to visualize over 40 fluorescent parameters on a single cell and a large particle sorter that enables the sorting of objects ranging from 10 to 750 µm, providing unparalleled flexibility to the research community.

What we offer

Our Services

Our work at the facility goes far beyond merely providing access to the machines. We are dedicated to cultivating collaborative relationships and supporting users throughout every step of the experimental process. To this end, we offer researchers expertise in experimental design, sample preparation, staff-operated cell sorting, analyzer assistance, and valuable guidance on data analysis. We are committed to improve quality, and maintain consistency and robustness of work carried out at the facility. In achieve this, the instruments are quality-control checked so that users can rely on the acquired data.

  • Consultation & Troubleshooting

Through our consultation services, we offer comprehensive guidance encompassing various aspects of your research process, including sample preparation, experimental design, instrumentation choices, and data analysis strategies.

  • Assisted Analysis & Sorting

We offer personalized support on weekdays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, excluding national holidays. Additionally, each sorting experiment undergoes a post-experiment purity control check to ensure optimal performance and quality.

  • Instrument Hands-on Training

Our aim is to enable independent access to cell analyzers and sorters, even beyond peak hours. We achieve this through a thorough hands-on training program, ensuring users feel confident. Our staff is available during core hours for immediate advice and guidance.


Our Flow Cytometers

  • Bio-Rad ZE5 Cell Analyzer
  • BD FACSCalibur™ Flow Cytometer
  • BD LSRFortessa™ Cell Analyzer
  • Cytek Aurora CS™ Cell Sorter
  • BD FACSAria™ IIIu Cell Sorter
  • BD FACSMelody™ Cell Sorter
  • Union Biometrica BioSorter®​​​​​​​ Large Particle Sorter

Bio-Rad ZE5 Cell Analyzer


Lasers 5: 355nm, 405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 640nm

Detectors: 27 colors, one side scatter, two forward scatters

Sample input: rack of 40x 5ml tubes, rack of 24x 1.5ml tubes, and 96/384/custom well plates

Temperature control: 4-25°C

Software: Everest

Small particle detector: 405nm FSC

Location: Main Building (Dr.-Bohr-Gasse 9) - Level 2, Room 2.530



BD FACSCalibur™ Flow Cytometer


Lasers 2: 488nm, 635nm

Detectors: 4 colors, one side scatter, one forward scatter

Sample input: 5ml tube

Temperature control: no

Software: CellQuest

Small particle detector: no

Location: Main Building (Dr.-Bohr-Gasse 9) - Level 2, Room 2.530

BD LSRFortessa™ Cell Analyzer


Lasers 4: 405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 640nm

Detectors: 16 colors, one side scatter, one forward scatter

Sample input: 5ml tube, and 96/384/custom well plates

Temperature control: no

Software: FACSDiva

Small particle detector: no

Location: Main Building (Dr.-Bohr-Gasse 9) - Level 2, Room 2.530


Cytek Aurora CS™ Cell Sorter

Aurora CS

Lasers 5: 355nm, 405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 640 nm

Detectors: 64 colors, two side scatters, one forward scatter

Sample input: 5ml and 15ml tubes

Sorting output: up to 6-ways bulk, and 96/384 well plates

Temperature control: 4-25°C

Nozzles: 70µm and 100µm

Software: SpectroFlo

Small particle detector: 405nm SSC

Location: Main Building (Dr.-Bohr-Gasse 9) - Level 2, Room 2.530

BD FACSAria™ IIIu Cell Sorter


Lasers 5: 375 nm / 405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 633nm

Detectors: 18 colors, one side scatter, one forward scatter

Sample input: 5ml and 15ml tubes

Sorting output: up to 4-ways bulk, and 96/384 well plates

Temperature control: 4-25°C

Nozzles: 70µm, 85µm, 100µm and 130µm

Software: FACSDiva

Small particle detector: no

Location: Main Building (Dr.-Bohr-Gasse 9) - Level 2, Room 2.528


BD FACSMelody™ Cell Sorter


Lasers 3: 405nm, 488nm, 561nm

Detectors: 8 colors, one side scatter, one forward scatter

Sample input: 5ml tube

Sorting output: up to 4-ways bulk, and 96/384 well plates

Temperature control: no

Nozzles: 100µm

Software: FACSChorus

Small particle detector: no

Location: Main Building (Dr.-Bohr-Gasse 9) - Level 2, Room 2.528


Union Biometrica BioSorter®​​​​​​​ Large Particle Sorter


Lasers 3: 405nm, 488nm, 561nm

Detectors: 6 colors, object length, optical density

Sample input: 50ml tube, 1l tank, and 96/384 well plates

Sorting output: 1-way bulk, and 96/384 well plates

Temperature control: no

FOCA: 250µm, 1000µm

Software: FlowPilot

Large particle detector: 10 - 750µm (Large cells, Cell Clusters, C.elegans, Drosophila, Zebrafish larvae)

Location: Main Building (Dr.-Bohr-Gasse 9) - Level 2, Room 2.528

Using the facility

Schedule your Access and Equipment

  • Registration
  • Booking


Internals, please register on PPMS via the Max Perutz Labs intranet link:



Externals, please contact the BioOptics FACS team directly at:



If you are already registered in PPMS, please follow the link below. If you do not have an account, please register first.

Online Booking

How to use the PPMS


Where to Find Us


Max Perutz Labs Main Building
Dr.-Bohr-Gasse 9, 1030 Vienna
Level 2, Room 2.528 (Aria, Melody, BioSorter)
Level 2, Room 2.530 (ZE5, Calibur, Fortessa)

Additional Information


  • Training
  • Acknowledgement
  • FlowJo™ Software Access


Autonomous users can book and operate cytometers independently, even outside peak hours. To become an autonomous user, please apply for training through the PPMS system:

  1. Go to the 'Home' dashboard and click on 'Request Training.'

  2. After we receive your training request, we will arrange a hands-on training session and confirm it via email.

If you do not have a PPMS account, please register first.

Do NOT forget to bring your own sample for the training session!



As the evaluation of our facility relies in part on proper acknowledgment in publications, we kindly request that you recognize our contributions in the following ways:

  1. For routine analysis, please mention the facility as the "Max Perutz Labs BioOptics FACS Facility" in the acknowledgment section of your manuscript.

  2. For significant intellectual and/or experimental contributions from the facility staff, please acknowledge them as co-authors.


FlowJo™ Software Access

To analyze your data, you may borrow our FlowJo Dongle located in room 2.530, by the window. Please note that it is intended for local use only, so kindly refrain from taking it off-site. If you wish to use it on your own computer, complete the form (include your name, date, and room number) and return it promptly.

Internal users have the option to request access to the FlowJo Portal Group License. For inquiries, please contact the facility directly at facs@maxperutzlabs.ac.at.


Team and Contact List

Service Team

Kitti Dora Csalyi
Head of Facility
   +43 1 4277 24051
Room: 2.530

Endre Kiss
Facility Staff Scientist
   +43 1 4277 61782
Room: 2.530

Thomas Sauer
Facility Staff Scientist
   +43 1 4277 61782
Room: 2.530

Scientific Advisors

Martin Leeb
Group Leader
   +43 1 4277 74644
Room: 3.123

» more

Gijs Versteeg
Group Leader
   +43 1 4277 54637
Room: 4.009


Publication Highlights