
Raffaela Torggler awarded DOC Fellowship from the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OEAW)

We congratulate Raffaela, PhD student in the Kraft lab at MFPL, to the OEAW DOC Fellowship supporting her PhD project. Raffaela is working on a process called autophagy, the cell’s own waste disposal system. Autophagy protects the cells by degrading harmful cytoplasmic components. When autophagy is defective, these elements accumulate in the cell and can cause human diseases such as cancer or neurodegenerative disorders. Autophagy is not only an important degradation process, but it also allows cells to recycle the building blocks of the degraded material. This is especially crucial to survive periods of starvation.

Jun 21, 2017

In her PhD project, entitled “Molecular Mechanism of Atg1 kinase and autophagy activation”, Raffaela wants to unravel the mechanistic steps that lead to the activation of autophagy during periods of starvation. The stipend will support her research for three years.

The DOC Fellowship is financed by the Ministry for Science, Research and Economy, with additional funds coming from the City of Vienna and the Province of Styria. The DOC initiative supports excellent PhD projects from all disciplines. Applicants must be enrolled at an Austrian university for their PhD studies, and must have received their degree (Diplom/Master) no longer than two years before the 1st of January of the year of application. For more information and open calls, visit the official homepage.

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