New Fellowship Opportunity

Open Call: Max Perutz PhD Fellowships

The Max Perutz Labs have established a new doctoral fellowship program that will reward the most ambitious and innovative PhD students at the institute. The program is supported by the University of Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna and covers three fully funded positions per year.

Mar 03, 2021

Max Perutz’ life and research exemplifies the values of creativity and out-of-the-box thinking in science, epitomized in his quote: “What is known for certain is dull”. In this spirit, the Max Perutz Labs have created a fellowship program to support outstanding PhD students to work on innovative projects that have the potential to yield new insights into fundamental biological questions. “The fellows should represent the intrinsic qualities we would like to see in all of our PhD students, no matter which career path they ultimately choose: openness, creativity and intellectual curiosity”, says Manuela Baccarini, who established the program and chairs the selection committee. “Being a Max Perutz PhD Fellow is a measure of the quality and ambition of the PhD students and their projects and will therefore be a badge of excellence for both the students and the labs they work in.”

In addition to a fully funded position, fellows are eligible for financial support to attend conferences or for short stays abroad as part of their project. Eligible students should have started their PhD study at the Max Perutz Labs no longer than 1.5 years before the application deadline and have already held their first thesis advisory committee meeting. The projects will be evaluated by a committee that includes two members of each of the research areas represented at the Max Perutz Labs.

More about the fellowship

Next applications deadline: March 31st, 2021

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