
New funding for stem cell research at Max Perutz Labs and the Vienna BioCenter

The Austrian Science Fund FWF has awarded a doc.funds grant totalling more than €1.7 million to a consortium of stem cell researchers at the Vienna BioCenter. The group involves scientists from the Max Perutz Labs and the Faculty of Life Sciences of the University of Vienna, the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA), and the Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP). The programme is coordinated by Max Perutz Labs group leader Florian Raible and will support the recruitment of nine PhD students to start projects in the field of stem cell research starting in fall 2019.

Mar 19, 2019

Stem cells are capable to differentiate into other more specialised cells, such as neurons in the brain, cells in the digestive tract or cells in our blood system. Not only do they play an important part during development, but they are also found in adult tissue where they help replace lost or damaged cells. Some animals are even able to regrow whole body parts or organs, reflecting the competence of their differentiated cells to revert back to stem cell states. 

The FWF funded doctoral candidates will work across a panel of different model systems and deal with fundamental questions of stem cell biology: What mechanisms lead to the formation of a specialised cell from a stem cell? How can animals revert specialised cells to stem cells? And how do stem cells interact to form whole organs?

Students will also receive comprehensive training in the methods of modern stem cell biology, theoretical and conceptual approaches, and bioethical questions. The students will be part of the Vienna BioCenter PhD programme, a highly successful cross-institute doctoral programme. 

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