PhD Call Open

Max Perutz Labs PhD Selection

  Mon, 01 Jul - Sun, 08 Sep 2019

The Max Perutz Labs / VDS PhD call opens on July 1st 2019, recruiting students in the fields of RNA Biology, Cell Signalling, or Immunity & Infection. The deadline for application is September 8th, 2019. 

The Vienna Doctoral School "Molecules of Life" (VDS) is an interdisciplinary PhD programme located at the Max Perutz Labs, the University of Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna. Its multiple, specialized PhD tracks cover all areas of Molecular Life Sciences and aim at fostering education, cooperation, and interaction among students and group leaders from different backgrounds and disciplines in an open and creative environment.

PhD students have a primary affiliation with one of the participating research groups, and are enrolled as graduate students at one of the partner universities. Calls are held twice a year. The PhD Selection is open to students who hold a Master’s degree or equivalent (four years BSc Honors with thesis) in the biosciences, chemistry, or related fields.


The following groups are recruiting in the winter call:

Roland Foisner

Mechanisms of cardiovascular disease in lamin-linked permature aging disease
Chromatin regulation by lamins

Peter Fuchs

Intermediate filaments in epithelial stress response

Boris Görke

Signal transduction and post-transcriptional regulation in bacteria

Isabella Moll

Ribosome Heterogeneity in Bacteria

Thomas Rattei 

Computational systems biology


More information about admission and application can be found here.

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