Vienna BioCenter Climate Lecture series

Past lectures

Philipp Weber (EMBO)
"Sustainability in Research Funding: The Heidelberg Agreement"


Karla Neugebauer (Yale University)
"The Climate Impact of Basic Science - A new dawn for Biochemistry"


Angela Tavone (Rewilding Apennines) and Giulia Testa (Rewilding Europe)
"Rewilding: the practice in Europe and in the Central Apennines of Italy"


Isabella Klebinger and Simon Maynollo (ÖKO CAMPUS WIEN)
"Bio-diversifying the Campus together. The campus as a learning platform for (urban) nature"


Inge Jonckheere (Food and Agriculture organization (FAO), UN and IPPC LEAD Author)
"The role of Earth Observation in tackling Climate Change: Way forward for climate mitigation and adaptation"


Katharina Egghart and Marlies Wirth (MAK, Museum of Applied Arts Vienna):
"Museums and Climate Change"


Charlie Gardner (Scientists for Extinction Rebellion):
"From Publications to Public Actions: Scientists in the Planetary Emergency"


Gebhard Ottacher (Climate Lab Vienna):
"The clean energy transition - lessons from the past for the challenge ahead"


Fabrice DeClerck (Eatforum):
"The EAT-Lancet Commission: Searching synergies between people, planet and health"


Patrick Frick (PAN-Biotech GmbH):
"Green your lab- The sustainability concept by PAN-Biotech"


Wolfram Proksch (ETHOS LEGAL, Vienna):
"Climate Change Litigation - How can we stop Ecocide?"


Valerie Trouet (University of Arizona):
“Tree story: what we can learn about climate and forest history from the rings in trees”


Jana Köhler and Sandra Geiger (University of Vienna):
“Why it is hard to act on climate change and what we can do about it”


David Mytton (Uptime Institute):
“Energy and water consumption in IT - How to reach sustainability in computing”


Climate@MaxPerutzLabs E-Symposium: “Reducing the CO2 Footprint of Mobility in Academia”
LEONARD BURTSCHER (Leiden Observatory, Leiden University, NL)
TEUN BOUSEMA (Radboud university medical center, NL)
TINNE JACOBSFWO (Research Foundation Flanders, BE)
VIKTORIA LAMPRINAKI (Company of Biologist, UK)
KARIN FESTÖBB (Head of New Rail Business, AT)
KATARINA KLAPAN (Microsoft, Modern Work & Security Business Group Lead, AT)


Magdalena Klemun (Hong Kong University):
“Evolution of low carbon energy infrastructure and the need for soft technology”


Kerstin Krellenberg (University of Vienna):
“Climate change and cities - from impacts and vulnerabilities to action”


Günter Getzinger (Graz University of Technology):
"Roadmap to Zero Carbon: the Case of Austrian Universities!"


Ulrich Leth (Vienna University of Technology):
"Cycling in Vienna - high goals, quick wins and near misses"


Brendan Rouse (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, EMBL):
“Building a Sustainability Strategy for a Life Science Organisation”


Helga Weisz (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research):
"Reducing Greenhouse Gas footprint in health care: a lesson for sustainable research labs"


Bruce Vaughn (University of Colorado): 
"Greenland ice cores, greenhouse gases, climate change and you"


Anthony Patt (ETH Zurich):
"Yes, we can get to zero CO2 emissions"


Riet van de Velde (Sustainability Office, UGhent, Belgium):
“Towards a more sustainable university – step by step”


Logan Hodgskiss (University of Vienna/Green Labs Austria):
“Tackling the plastic problem in the lab; where to start?”


Kathryn A. Ramirez-Aguilar (International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories, I2SL):
“Green Labs Program: Enabling and supporting action for sustainability by laboratory researchers”


Cassandra Brooks (University of Colorado Boulder):
“Antarctic marine protected areas: biodiversity and diplomacy in the global commons”


Christopher Kropat (NEB):
"Environmental and Social Responsibility at New England Biolabs"


Jeffrey Whitford (Merck):
"Sustainability Applied In the Lab: The Final Frontier"