Max Perutz Labs Vienna

Welcome to the Perutz

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Street art meets science

Max on the wall

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Key Discoveries

Catalyzing discovery­ in mechanistic biomedicine

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Curiosity-driven research­ in molecular and cell biology

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Inspiring and enabling­ the next generation

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Mission Statement

The Max Perutz Labs are dedicated to a mechanistic understanding of fundamental biomedical processes. By analyzing and reconstituting complex biological systems across different scales, our scientists aim to link breakthroughs in basic research to advances in human health. 

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A joint venture of

Part of


Scientific Facilities

The Max Perutz Labs are embedded in the Vienna BioCenter, providing access to outstanding core facilities shared by all members of the campus in addition to facilities unique to our institute. 

Facilities at Max Perutz Labs

Research Areas

From Mechanism to Medicine

With a strong molecular focus and a diversity of model organisms, we aim to bridge basic research with biomedicine.

About Max Perutz

“In science, truth always wins.”

To honour an extraordinary teacher and scientist, the Max Perutz Labs were named after Max Ferdinand Perutz, who, together with John C. Kendrew, was awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his studies on the structure of globular proteins ...

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A workplace that values diversity and internationality

The Max Perutz Labs are an international research institution in which people from all over the world come together to conduct scientific research. The Perutz recognizes and respects diversity as an important asset in establishing an inclusive and productive work environment for all parties, may it be students, scientists or support staff. We are committed to a workplace that values diversity and internationality, where people from various backgrounds and perspectives feel welcome and are supported in a safe environment. Whether it be race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, social background, age, gender, sexual orientation or disability - we aim to establish a community in which everyone feels included and is treated fairly and respectfully. We believe that there is always room for improvement and that a statement is worth nothing without action, but we continuously strive to do better and encourage every individual to play an active role in creating this environment.


Inspiring and enabling the next generation

The Max Perutz Labs seek to educate students to think critically and analytically, challenge them to set ambitious goals, and instill in them both broad horizons and deep understanding. In doing so, we aspire to furnish them with the necessary knowledge and skills to push forward the frontiers of 21st century biomedical science. 

Education at the Max Perutz Labs